I have been off work for the last two days and have been very active today just not so much yesterday....wow what a difference exercise and activity make on a body and mind. I went to the gym and burned 300 cals on the elliptical and then worked my arms and legs on weight machines. I also found a Zumba class near me and will try my first one tonight. I really hope I like it.
I found some really good veggies at the produce stand today. The strawberries are amazing. I made Shelly's(from theworldaccordingtoeggface blog) recipe of strawberry cannolis. They are awesome. I have been slacking on my protein the two days and I can feel it, or maybe I am just nuts......either way I need to do better.
Til later......
BTW the strawberry recipe is the easiest. Thanks Shelly
way to work out you go girl!!!